Oh hi! 👋🏻👋🏼👋🏽👋🏾👋🏿

Welcome to the Untld Project virtual PR Academy.

If you're a small business owner looking to put the power of PR into your own hands then look no further because you've come to the right place.

Our online course is designed to make it simple to set up and run a press office for your own small business. You'll learn everything you need to know so you can finally start pitching to press and seeing your products or services in magazines, newspapers and even on TV!

Next stop, Vogue!

Wanna know what's inside the Academy - of course you do!

Watch the video below for a little preview of your upcoming journey to becoming a PR Superstar!

What's included in the course?

Here at Untld Project, supporting small business is what we do, so if you’d love to see your brand featured in magazines, newspapers or even on TV, we can’t wait to give you all the tools you need to make that dream a reality, including:

⚡️ A self-paced course that gives you a detailed view of everything you need to know to get your brand featured in press

⚡️ Interviews and tips from course expert and Untld Project founder Nerrisa Pratt as well as industry experts

⚡️Practical downloads and templates that will help you create a press release, start your media list, draft pitch emails to press and more

⚡️Real life small business PR experts to answer all your burning questions using the chat function

⚡️Lifetime access including bonus lessons and extra seasonal content to ensure you're always up to date 

And much, much more (believe it or not!)

See what our students have to say:

Hannah Heys Textiles

The PR Academy was a great foundation for me to organise myself and my brand to make sure that I am ready to approach the press.

The advice, feedback, and support is invaluable, along with the templates, it has made PR feel achievable and has also improved how I talk about my business in general.

Illustrating Rain

PR doesn't have to be a complicated process. Untld Project have a skill in delivering the aspects of PR into a totally digestable and doable format.

Before you know it you are press ready and you didn't feel a thing! For a small business this is crucial and they have armed me with the tools I need to be PR ready!

Leather Needle Thread

I had a print feature of one of my products pretty early on in Mollie Makes which is perfect for my brand.

Then I had a Christmas Gift Guide piece in the Indy Best which is still driving traffic to my website. I was also featured in the Christmas Gift Guide on ITV's This Morning which resulted in my highest grossing month in terms of sales!

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